Daiwa eLearning
Japanese Program
Introduction of Daiwa's eLearning Japanese Program
Foreigners who have learned Japanese using the book "IRODORI: Japanese for Life in Japan" acquire the needed fundamental communication skill in Japanese. The book has been shown to be useful in one's livelihood and work in Japan.
Learning style and level of proficiency vary from person to person.
The following program is taught through the format of instructional videos, giving the learner the capability to repeat and watch the videos until he or she understands the lesson. With this function, one's proficiency rate becomes higher per viewing.
Having the function of pausing, playing, and repeating each video, the learner's burdens are reduced so we recommend that you do not stop watching each lesson until you understand what is being taught, as the program is set to match the learner's level of proficiency.
Unlike face-to-face classes, you do not need to worry about other people, since you will have the freedom to learn at the pace you wish to study.
Each lesson will be an hour long, but we recommend that you watch each lesson at least three times. Since the speed of the video can be changed, we also recommend that you adjust the video speed that matches your understanding of the lesson.
Practice kanji characters, vocabulary, grammar, and the like through texts and materials, and learn 'Speaking', 'Listening', 'Reading', and 'Writing' in a well-balanced manner.
Having spent approximately 4 to 5 hours for each lesson on every video material, we expect that you will be learning for 400 hours.
Through the repeated watching of each lesson in these programs, a Japanese learner can learn correct Japanese anytime, anywhere, and for an unlimited number of times.
Refer to the 'Road to Japan' page to view the flowchart that shows the process that individuals who want to go to Japan. Individuals who are planning on becoming an SSW in Japan may also refer to this PDF file.
Things to keep in mind:
On the occasion that an individual wishes to continue his learning after the validity period of the program, please purchase the program one more time.
Daiwa Japanese Language Training Center, Inc. possesses the copyright and rights to sell this program. Reproduction, reselling, and the likes without consent will be under copyright infringement, and legal action will be taken on the occasion that an individual violates this right.
The buyers of the program themselves are advised to not tell others one's account information and must strictly manage their own emails and passwords.
It is impossible to login on two devices simultaneously as your IP address will be monitored. Be vigilant with your account because when an unfair login occurs, there's a possibility for one's account to be deleted.
Downloading of Materials
Please download the links below.
Things to keep in mind:
Please open the file using Adobe Acrobat Reader after downloading the PDF that is accompanied by audio.
The audio cannot be played on browsers or on portable devices such as tablets and smartphones.
PDF file on how to watch the videos in this website.
Japanese Version
Japanese texts will have transcriptions in English and Furigana (Furigana is usually seen above a difficult-to-read kanji written in simpler Japanese readings, typically Hiragana) added to them.
Materials included (Grammar Notes PDF, Tips for life in Japan PDF, Kanji Words PDF)
Word List
Answers (Starter PDF, Elementary 1 PDF, Elementary 2 PDF)
Grammar Worksheet (Starter PDF, Elementary 1 PDF, Elementary 2 PDF, How to use grammar worksheets and answers PDF)
Regarding the Privileged Materials
Head towards the 'Privileges Page' and download the files. Additionally, please use the websites found on the "40 Free Apps and Sites you can Use'' that matches with your learning style.
Daiwa eLearning Japanese Video Pages
Note: You need an account subscribed to the 'Daiwa eLearning Japanese Program' plan to access the videos.